
Treatment available at our Clinic - Dr Walias

Treatment available at our centre:-  Treatment depends on the cause of alopecia. We also examine the scalp with trichoscope (Hair Microscope) to identify the cause of hair loss and  monitor the hair growth after starting treatment. Medical treatment in the form of lotions , sprays, foams and serum Oral tablet formulations  PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy) MPG ( Micropigmentation grafting/hair camouflaging) Hair transplantation Stem cell therapy Mesotherapy

Hair Fall True or False ?

All the hair on the scalp go through cycles and are at different of hair cycle stages at a given point of time. Shedding of upto 100 hair/day is normal in an individual. It may be slightly more on the day of hair wash. Why does hair fall occur? Hair fall can occur due to various reasons such as: Sudden change of environment such as climate, water etc Recent illnesses such as typhoid, dengue & prolonged fever episodes Lack of nutrition-excess dieting , intake of junk and fried food  Androgenetic Alopecia (Male pattern Baldness) Stress Pregnancy Recent surgical intervention Medical illnesses such as typhoid disorders , mal-absorption disorders Hair treatments - straightening, smoothening , blow drying , coloring can cause hair shaft breakage When to consult a dermatologist ? When there is significant reduction in density accompanied by diffuse thinning and easy pluckability Progressive recession of frontal hair line When there is associated red lesions w


Melasma commonly known as blemishes is charactrised by formation of black/brown patches over face. It is a very difficult condition to treat, only those patients who follow doctor’s advice religiously improve. Causes:  Pregnancy/abortion Sun exposure Anaemia /Crash Diet/ Diet devoid of proper nutrition/junk food Prior history of illness like viral fever, typhoid Drugs: painkiller, OCP, desi medication Prior history of recent surgery Use of over the counter depigmenting agents Stress

Why Do Acne Scars Occur?

Why Do Acne Scars Occur? Severity of acne (pimples) varies from person to person. Some people are prone to get severe form of acne such as red coloured nodules, pus filled lesions & cysts which results in disfiguring scars. If parents have severe (nodulocystic) acne, children of such parents have higher chances of severe acne and subsequent scar formation. Hormonal disturbances can also lead to increased severity , which may be accompanied by menstrual disturbances, increased hairgrowth over face (Hirsuitism). How can it be prevented ? People with severe acne need timely consultation with dermatologist to prevent the occurrence of scars Avoid using any over the counter drugs, cosmetics & foundations Avoid picking & squeezing of acne which can lead to  dark pigmentation and scar formation Avoid steroid application Drink plenty of water (8 glasses/day) Consume vegetables & fruits in diet. Routine exercise & stress free life

Why Men Loose Hair & what is the permanent Solution

Hair loss is a common problem being faced by men all over the world. It can be a matter of significant distress. Causes of hair loss in males:- There are numerous  causes of hair loss in males. One of the commonest cause being  androgenetic alopecia i.e  Male pattern baldness. It is a genetically driven process & usually starts in 30’s increasing progressively over years. The most common complaint being recession of hairline. It usually spares the occipital area. Other than this hair loss can occur due to: – Prolong illness After Surgery Nutritional Deficiencies. Patchy hair loss can occur due to alopecia areata and rare causes include those of scarring alopecias Diagnosis : Clinical Dermoscopy Lab Investigation Scalp biopsy if needed Treatment | Management Medical Treatment oral medium Topical Medium   PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy ) Hair Transplant (for AGA)          

Tips for good hair

1. Regular Shampooing with mild shampoos 2. Good nutrition is of utmost importance 3. Balanced diet rich in proteins and essential vitamins 4. Avoid all the artificial treatments - straightening, rebonding and blow drying 5. Don't use hot irons 6. Avoid use of dryers on wet hair 7. Regular exercise with stress management 8. Meditation 9. For any hair related issues contact your dermatologist at the earliest 10. Avoid usage of over the counter drugs Dr. Walia's Skin, Laser & Hair Transplant Doctor

Sexual Problems Treatment

Sexually Transmitted Diseases ( STDs) are on rise in Mohali, Chandigarh and Punjab. This may be due to westernisation of society. We at Dr Walia Skin Clinic promote youngsters to know about safe sex and thus prevent spread of sexually transmitted diseases in community. Most common method of spread is skin to skin without condom protection. Other modes of spread like IV drug users are limited to HIV, hepatitis B & C. Almost all STDs are prevented by condoms though 100% protection is not present if lesions are present outside the area covered by condom. Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases start with precautions during sex. Reason a person who comes to clinic with one sexually transmitted disease is more venerable to other STDs and for that patient and community use of condom is very important. These STDs can manifest in a number of ways like painful ulcer, vaginal or urethral discharge , can also present as painless lesion like warts and in syphilis. Other manifestat