
Showing posts from May, 2017

Life style advice for Laser Removal of Scars

Life style advice for Laser Removal of Scars :- Apply sunscreen before and after the procedure. Expect a downtime for couple of days. The skin may appear red and edematous for few days. Sun protection is advised. People with keloids are advised not to go for piercing or tattooing.

Tattoo Removal

Several factors come into play while removing tattoo :- The color of the tattoo and the size and depth of the colours can affect the suitability of laser removal of the tattoo. Laser tattoo removal is simple, safe and produces fantastic results. Q switched Nd: YAG laser is a novel, simple and efficacious technique for tattoo removal with less pain. The procedure of tattoo removal can cause stinging sensation which can be can cause a stinging sensation, which can be eased by applying a local anesthetic cream. Some people also experience a lightening or darkening of the affected skin, though in most cases this returns to normal after six months. Redness in the area is common after the procedure, but subsides quickly. Strict sun screen is advised immediately post procedure as skin is very sensitive to sun. Life style advice during tattoo removal Applying sunscreen before and after the procedure minimizes the skin changes due to tattoo removal. For Appoin


WHAT IS WRINKLE? A wrinkle, also known as a rhytide, is a fold, ridge or crease in the skin. Skin wrinkles typically appear as a result of aging process, such as glycation, habitual sleeping positions, loss of body mass, or temporarily, as the result of prolonged immersion in water. Age wrinkling in the skin is promoted by habitual facial expressions, aging, sun damage, smoking, poor hydration, and various other factors. What is Glycation? Usually, when you eat food, the body breaks down carbohydrates into sugars like glucose and fructose. It then uses these sugars to fuel everything you do. Sometimes, however—particularly as we age, and when we consume too many sugary or high-glycemic foods—these sugars react with proteins and fats in an abnormal way, producing harmful molecules called “advanced glycation endproducts (conveniently acronymned: AGEs).” This process is called “glycation.” The more AGEs we have in our bodies, the more we age. Scientists have discovered t