
Showing posts from November, 2017

Prevention of Acne & Acne Scars

For Appointment Call us: +91-9257221456 Dr Walia's Skin & Laser Clinic
CHEMICAL PEELS (REJUVENATION OF FACE) Peeling is the application of a unique reagent to the skin for improvement of the texture and beautifies it. So it helps to obtain healthy, glowing and fresh skin. Chemical agent is applied to the skin, which eventually causes skin to peels off in coming 4-5 days leads to rejuvenation of skin. These peels can be done on the face, neck, underarms, back and private areas.                                                                                   Benefits of Skin Peeling Reduction of blemishes and pigmentation Rejuvenation of skin Reduction of acne spots Reduction of lines and wrinkles Stimulation of elastin and collagen which will make your skin more youthful Increase moisture of the skin We offer Range of Peels for Various Purposes:-  Blemishes Freckles Acne Post acne pigmentation Reduce age spots, dark patches due to pregnancy or taking birth control pills. Photoaging Fine wrinkles Skin glow Oily

Prevention of Acne & Acne Scars

Avoid oily facials, excessive makeup and oil over face. Avoid oil over scalp. Don’t use over the counter medicines & topical steroids. Avoid picking of acne lesions. Get early treatment of acne lesions which are pea-sized or filled with pus. Follow stress free lifestyle. Exercise regularly. Consult your dermatologist at the earliest for acne in case of family history of severe acne and acne scars. Use non-comedogenic sunscreen regularly. Avoid dairy products and processed sweet foods. Take 2-3 servings of fruits daily. Drink water at regular intervals. Don’t wash your face more than twice a day. For Treatment, Please visit Dr Walia's Skin & Laser Clinic.

Unsafe Sex


Hand Rejuventate with Fillers

Dr Walia's Skin & Laser Clinic


Dr Walias Skin & Laser Clinic For Appointment Call us:  +91-9257221456

Vaginal Rejuvenation with Laser

Vaginal Rejuvenation with Laser