
What is vitiligo?

Vitiligo is an autoimmune condition where there are autoantibodies formed against the melanocytes. Melanocytes are the skin cells that give color to the skin. These autoantibodies destroy the melanocytes and hence the skin becomes white in color.

Will I pass on vitiligo to my children?

Vitiligo is a genetic disease. And, there are chances of passing it over to children. However, this chance is very less.

Dietary advice for vitiligo?

  • Eat lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • There is no need to avoid any milk or citrus fruits. In growing children, maintain healthy diet. Unnecessary dietary restriction in growing child is not adviced. Such restrictions may lead to growth problems.

    What are the treatment options?

  • Topical medications
  • Oral medications
  • Narrow Band UVB therapy
  • Vitiligo surgery is adviced in stable cases.

What is vitiligo surgery?

Vitiligo surgery is a procedure where we transfer melanocytes from normal skin to white skin. It is a safe procedure. Vitiligo surgery is adviced in stable cases of vitiligo. By stable cases of vitiligo, we mean those cases where no new lesions of vitiligo have developed in last 2 years.
For more detail call us : +919257221456 Dr Walia's Skin Clinic


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